
Center for Research Studies

Center for Research Studies

Line with BIMTECH’s vision and mission, the Centre for Research Studies is engaged in knowledge creation and dissemination. No doubt, there is a big pool of knowledge existing in the field of management but the process of globalization, privatization and liberalization has put a big challenge for new knowledge creation and its dissemination.
The centre works to this objective through running doctoral programmes and updating the knowledge of the faculty through the conferences, seminars and workshops. The doctoral programs helps in equipping the new minds to assimilate continually improving research methodology, to initiate research in the knowledge gap areas as well as taking up challenging research topic that is relevant to business management in continuously changing environment.
BIMTECH also engages itself in upgrading the knowledge of existing teachers and executives through executive fellow programme which enables business executives to assimilate new knowledge and bring their industrial experience to the management institute while upgrading the knowledge of existing faculty.
In order to disseminate knowledge better, BIMTECH continuously undertakes programme to update knowledge of faculty in various fields as also deliberates various method to disseminate knowledge in the class room to make the learning of the students more relevant, vibrant and dynamic.