
Center for Management Case Development

Recognising the need of developing examples from emerging market like India, BIMTECH realises the need to create knowledge in various domains of management and business. In fulfilment of objectives as enshrined in its Mission, in its quest for continued excellence and research orientation in management education, and in its endeavour to be a partner in spread of knowledge, BIMTECH has established, BIMTECH Centre for Management Case Development (BCMCD).

BCMDC invites you to submit cases from management disciplines.

Who may like to contribute:

  • Faculty currently teaching at undergraduate and/or postgraduate levels
  • Authors who have already written cases
  • Research scholars pursuing doctoral programmes
  • Consultants
  • Associations who like to share experiences
  • Practitioners
  • Researchers/scientists engaged in research institutions
  • Retired/ teachers/practitioners

  • Focus on management issues
  • Description of management interventions or organisation experiences
  • Legal case
  • Description of diasporic communities and ethnic groups
  • Focus on global developing economies
  • Comparative studies
  • Live situations are preferred over disguised or hypothetical cases


BCMDC recommends that as a first step the authors should submit Case Lead structured as under. Once it is approved, the authors may take up the submission or development of the full case under the guidelines of the center.

  • Teaching Objectives, main concepts or theories in the case
  • Target audience ( programme and subject)
  • Organization under study
  • Chief protagonists in the case
  • Source of Information( list primary and secondary sources)
  • Permissions: Will you get permission from the organisation (name disclosed as also disguised) to reproduce
  • information from their catalogues, product literature, reports, documents, interviews, statements)?
  • Time frame to complete the study
  • Consent:
    • for the publisher to have copyrights if and when the case gets published.
    • for non-submission elsewhere when the case developed is under referral review.
  • To emerge a resource for quality controlled management cases.
  • To provide a forum to management academics and practicing managers to engage in developing quality management cases.
  • To provide channels for publication of developed cases at the centre, or through involvement of the centre.
  • To council/ advise the development of the cases through its Board of Mentors.
  • Organise and conduct case-writing workshops, conferences and seminars to benefit case-writers.

  • Encourage and promote a culture of case development
  • Promote development of high quality teaching cases as instrument to facilitate teaching for academics, and to add to practical knowledge of consultants, practitioners and management developers.
  • Promote development of high quality research cases to support research findings through empirical studies, field data analysis, revalidation of existing results of studies carried out previously with objectives of enriching the body of theoretical knowledge.

Prof. Harivansh Chaturvedi,
Birla Institute of Management Technology


Prof. A.K.Dey, Birla Institute of Management Technology

  • Case Writing workshops
  • Case Analysis Competitions
  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Interactive sessions with invitees experts with accomplishments in case writing
  • Publications
  • Interface with industry


The cases cover all management and administrative disciplines and focus on subject areas including but not limited to:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Business Ethics
  • Conferences
  • Interactive sessions with invitees experts with accomplishments in case writing
  • Publications
  • Corporate Governance
  • Entrepreneurship, Environment
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing
  • Management Information Systems
  • Management Science Operations and Logistics
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Productivity
  • Performance
  • Quality Management
  • Service Operations
  • Strategic Management
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Technology Management

Prof. Harivansh Chaturvedi,
Birla Institute of Management Technology


Prof. A.K.Dey, Birla Institute of Management Technology


BCMCD organized Case Analysis Competition on 23rd November 2012. The competition was open to the students of BIMTECH for all programs. The participation was limited to teams of two students each. Growth Concerns of a Social Enterprise: The Case Of Sammaan Foundtion as developed by Ms. Bhawna Anjaly, Research Scholar at BIMTECH, was chosen for the competition. This case as included in ICMC 2012 brought a Gold medal and a cash prize to the author under Bimtech Stough Young Scholar Award. The case deals with the issues faced in scaling up and funding of a social enterprise. The analysis calls for finding solution to the vexed problems of find funds to meet the social objectives.

A total of 58 teams contested the first round conducted on 23rd November, 2012. Fifteen teams were shortlisted by the case author Ms. Bhawna Anjaly to compete in the final round.

The second round the Competition was held on 26th November 2012 in MDP Hall. The teams were asked to make presentation of the analysis and defend the same before audience comprising of faculty, research scholars and the students. Prof. A.Sahay, Dean Research, and Prof.A.K.Dey Professor Supply Chain Management, and Head Operations Management constituted the jury. The analysis as presented by various teams depicted an understanding of various issues, an involvement to seek solution, innovative approaches,and an appreciation of the worthiness of the cause. The jury verdict was unanimous to recommend various awards as under:

  • The First Prize of Rs. 15,000 was won by team of Ankita Asthana & Anuja Mohanty, PGDM-IInd Year.
  • Two second Prizes of Rs.12,000 each was claimed by Rushil Jain & Tushar Bahl , PGDM-Ist Year and Satya Prakash Gupta Reddy & Aushutosh Khandelwal PGDM-RM- Ist Year .
  • There was a ‘tie’ for two Third Prizes of Rs. 6,000 each. Three teams were recommended : Parveen Yeuri & Rajeev Kumar Sharma PGDM-Ist Year, Komalpreet Kaur & Kriti Goel PGDM-Ist Year, and Nisarg Trivedi & Mansi Pancholi PGDM-IInd Year.

The prize winners were applauded and received their awards and certificates at glittering inaugural session of ICMC2012 from the hands of Prof Roger Stough, Vice President, George Mason University, THE Chief Guest of the Conference and our Director .

This type of a case analysis competition was unique at BIMTECH in recent years. In spite of the circumstances which did not favour the final year students because their occupation in placement activities, there was a wide spread enthusiasm and excitement to participate. Bizmak, student body in promoting marketing of events went all out to reach the students.

BCMCD has ambitious plans to make it a larger annual event.


Bimtech Center for Management Case Development, founded in partnership with Emerald Group Publishing to promote writing of business cases organised two identical case writing workshops in May-June 2011 at BIMTECH campus. The workshops organised for two days each evinced keen interest and participation.

The first of these was organized on May 25-26 and was attended by 27 participants drawn from teaching faculty and practicing managers from outside Bimtech. The second of the workshops was organized on June 6-7 . Twenty four participants were registered.

Forenoons of both the days were devoted to discussions on the concepts of case writing. Setting the tone of the workshop, Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi, Professor and Director BIMTECH, in his inaugural address stressed the importance of teaching through business cases. He emphasized the importance of research and how research could improve the quality of management education. He stressed that Bimtech as a responsible institute imparting management education had taken this initiative in promoting research and looked forward to active participation of the teaching fraternity. Prof. Mukesh Chaturvedi next in his presentation discussed distinguishing features of various types of cases . In the last session of the forenoon, Prof. Sardana explained as how to develop and write a case in a structured way.

The second day forenoon started with a presentation by Mr.Debpriya Mukherjee from Emerald who explained the process followed by Emerald in dealing with the developed cases. Prof. A K Dey dealt next with how to write ‘teaching notes’, an essential component of a Teaching case. Prof. Mukesh Chaturvedi followed up with an absorbing session on how to teach management education through case pedagogy of teaching.

The afternoons were reserved for discussion and interaction with mentors in developing the cases against Case Leads brought by the participants. Earlier before lunch break of the first day, the participants were divided and attached to mentors from the Bimtech senior faculty who have respectable published research to their credit. These comprised of Professors A.Sahay, Mukesh Chaturvedi, A.K.Dey, Ravi Agarwal, Manosi Chaudhuri ,and G.D.Sardana.

A unique feature of the workshop was an open invitation to the participants to be in touch with the mentors till the cases were developed and submitted to Emerald for publication as well as for decisions of the awards as instituted by Emerald exclusively for cases developed through the Bimtech centre.. The participants were asked to submit the first draft by July 15,2011 so that the last date of August 31 for completing the full cases could be met.

The workshops ended with concluding remarks from Dr. Anupam Varma Professor and Deputy Director BIMTECH who expressed a hope that the academic interaction as initiated by Bimtech would develop stronger relations amongst the fraternity . He thanked the participants for active interest in participation.
